

1,请注意预约时间,尽早准备,不要迟到。请在预约时间前5-10分钟到达工作室,但也不要过早到达。因为后面还排着其他客人的拍摄时段,我们也无法延后您的拍摄时段,而迟到造成的拍摄时间损失可能导致我们拍摄的完成度不够高。如果你对woodlands地区不熟悉,建议提早出门十分钟,以免堵车或迷路。注意:本工作室的邮编是737854,但是google map的终点指向大楼后门,开车的同学请提前跟我们所要详细地图,下了高速后不要跟着Google map走,打车的同学跟司机讲“Seagate Building on Woodlands close", 司机安哥们基本都认识。注意:下了SLE高速的出口”Woodlands Ave 12“ 你告诉司机过两个红绿灯后的小路口左转进来再右转就是。


3,到达前请记得签妥合同,拍摄前我们需要亲结清余款,我们接受银行转帐、现金和支票 现金请准备零钱 支票收款人:Echo and Min Studio Pte Ltd

4,自备服装记得熨烫平整 全家色彩款式搭配和谐 女士淡妆 男士净须 发型以干净整齐为佳。

5, 拍摄全身照时需要搭配鞋子 工作室没有大人鞋子提供 请自备并擦净鞋底后再进入拍摄区。

How do you describe your shooting style?

We love candid moments and real emotions between the wonderful people we get to photography. In our session we focus on the interactions of you and try to give you as much space as possible, but of course also guide you if necessary. Standing in front of the camera is not an everyday occurrence, so we want you to be as comfortable as possible.

How do I reserve a session?

Great! The first step is to CONTACT us to let us know your prefered date so we can check the availability. Once we agreed on date and package details, we will send you a contract to sign and instructions on how to pay the deposit/session fee. As soon as the deposit and contract completed you will be officially booked!

If we cancel our booking will we receive our deposit back?

In case you cancel you will not receive your deposit back. This covers any loss in the form of lost bookings and eventual cost already arisen before the actual session. However, we understand that unforeseen events can happen, so we allow one time reschedule subject to slot availability.

Do you photograph (LARGE / SMALL / INDIAN / PERSIAN / JEWISH / CHRISTIAN / GAY / NON-RELIGIOUS) weddings/families/kids/pets?

Yes, of course!  It would be my pleasure to document your celebration of any faith, non-faith, or orientation.

How should we prepare for Portrait Session?

Good mood is the most important thing  Make sure you have enough time to prepare beforehand so you are not stressed, comfortable cloth fitting the season and be open to venture out. With kids it helps to bring something to drink and some little treats to make it easy for them as well. We can go through specific questions before your shoot so we can ensure you are well prepared.

Which locations do you recommend for a Portrait Session?

We do both indoor and outdoor photography sessions, we love to explore cities, go on hikes with you and can shoot (almost) everywhere you might come up with. The best places are where you feel most comfortable so you enjoy the session as much as possible. We love to talk about your ideas so just contact us and we can get into the details.

My (husband/wife/fiancee/child) hates being in photos - can you help me?

Yes, it would be our pleasure to help!  With children, we often bring a bag of treats (read: bribes) which we will discuss with you in advance to make sure that you are okay with what I plan to bring.  Your three year old is obsessed with dinosaurs?  I might have one or two in my bag!  If it's a grown up who just hates being in photos, we try to do it quickly and we take lots of breaks to chat and have fun.  We regularly hear from my clients that they are surprised at how easy and relaxed they felt at their session.  Engagement sessions are a great way to practice being in photos and working with me so that way your wedding photos are much more natural, easy, and fun!

Do you do video too?

We do simple video / short movie too. Please contact us to inquire the link to our sample videos.

What if it is raining during an outdoor session or due to the weather there is no sunset?

In the case of rain or bad weather we will have to improvise! Sometimes that means finding shelter or finding other creative way to capture the moment. If the weather is potentially damaging to our equipment we will be restricted to areas that we can safely shoot. Bad weather is not a reason itself to cancel a session, but if possible we’ll try our best to find alternative arrangement – e.g. change locations, wait the weather out. Please note, that there are no refunds due to weather.

When is the best time to book a session?

Our calendar fills up quickly so you should plan to book ASAP.  If you are planning on a shorter timeframe, please EMAIL us to check availability! 

Do you provide digital negatives (RAW files) after the shoot?

You will be provided with edited images only. Each picture is carefully handled and will be a representation of our work. Be sure to look at our portfolio and that our work and style are a good match for you.

Do I get all the images you take?

With each packages we guarantee a specific amount of retouched images. We go thoroughly through all the images we take during a session and will take out the obviously unusable ones in a first step. We also reduce the amount of duplicates so you can enjoy only the best of the best images. We do provide un-edited images for you to keep in some packages.

What rights do I have to the digital prints?

If your selected packages includes digital files you will receive reproduction rights to all your images. This gives you the right to reproduce the images for personal use, so you can use them for prints, sharing them on your social media, making canvases, etc. Commercial use is not allowed if not separately agreed on. The copyright of the images will with the photographer.

When is the best time in my pregnancy to schedule my maternity session?

28 to 32 weeks is perfect for most moms to be. This is a time frame where your beautiful belly is of ample size yet you’re not as “puffy” and uncomfortable as you may be in your last 4 to 6 weeks. Though we have shot maternity sessions up close to delivery with beautiful results.

What should I wear for my maternity session?

If you are doing a fine art studio session, we have many gorgeous wraps and gowns that photograph beautifully. You could bring your favorite outfits of your own too.

How old are the newborns to be photographed typically?

It is ideal to photograph newborns between 4-10 days. During this time the baby sleeps up to 18 hours a day and remains in a wonderful ‘curl’ from the womb. After 10 days the baby starts to push their limbs out a little and are awake for longer periods of time. If your baby is older than 10 days don’t get discouraged! Give us a call! The session will likely take a little bit longer but we still get amazing photos.

How should I prepare for my newborn session?

We recommend that you bring baby to the session well rested and plan to feed baby as soon as you arrive. Sleepy babies photograph perfectly, so we will ask you to undress and swaddle baby before the feeding so as to not disturb them by undressing them after the feeding. We take several breaks for feeding baby during the session to ensure that baby is happy and has a full tummy. We ask that you not be too concerned with scheduled feedings during the session and that you feed baby on demand or when they get a bit fussy to ensure their comfort and a smooth session.